About me
Steve Bradbury often chooses to translate poets who defy
linguistic and cultural expectations. One such writer is Hsia Yü, a noted poet, songwriter, book designer, and magazine editor, one of the most innovative and popular poets of the Chinese-speaking world, and the first Chinese-language poet of the postwar era to write candidly about sex and gender politics. Bradbury’s translation of her collection, Salsa (2014), was shortlisted for the Lucien Stryk Prize, and his current project, the translation of her latest work, Poems, Sixty of Them, is supported by a National Endowment for the Arts Literary Fellowship. Bradbury lived for
many years in Taipei, where he was a professor of English at National Central University. Bradbury earned his PhD and MA from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and now lives in Ft. White, Florida.