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A reading with authors Linda Dini Jenkins and Barbara Worton. Lifelong friends and professional writers for five decades, Linda and Barbara each grew up in New York with one Italian parent and one non-Italian parent, a situation which shapes their writing to this day. Linda — a Salem resident for more than 20 years — is the author, most recently, of Becoming Italian: Chapter & Verse from an Italian American Girl; Barbara's most recent book is Chatterbox: Stories from a Noisy Life. Together, they create an evening of humor, nostalgia and insights. And the first person to buy both their books goes home with an Italian gift basket!
Linda Dini Jenkins is the author of Becoming Italian: Chapter and Verse from an Italian American girl, Up at the Villa: Travels with my Husband, and Journey of a Returning Christian: Writing into God. Her poetry has been published in Voices in Italian Americana, Ovunque Siamo, Touchstone, Tampa Review, South Florida Poetry Review, Vermont Voices I and II, and Poeti italo-americani e italo-canadesi, among others. She is the author of the one-act play, Things I Never Told My Mother and, with lifelong friend Barbara Worton, she coauthored the choreopoem, If I’m Talking, Why Aren’t You Listening? She is a contributing writer and Copy Editor for Abruzzissimo Magazine and writes occasionally for The Adventures of The Baker’s Daughter. She lives in Peterborough, New Hampshire and Sulmona (Abruzzo), Italy.
Barbara Worton is an author, poet, playwright, blogger and songwriter. Her books include Chatterbox: Stories from a Noisy Life, Bedtime Stores: The Short, Long and Tall Tales of a Sleepwriter, and the award-winning children's book Too Tall Alice. She coauthored the choreopoem If I'm Talking, Why Aren't You Listening with Linda Dini Jenkins and the web memoir and blog The Adventures of the Baker's Daughter with Rochelle Udell. Her writing has appeared in The Haight-Ashbury Literary Review, VIA: Voices in Italian Americana, Platform Review, Ovunque Siamo,. and The Paterson Literary Review.