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Tuesday, April 2

4:00pm EDT

2022 Juniper Literary Festival: Emily Hunt, Robin McLean, Wendy Xu, and Jung Yun
Tuesday April 2, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Join us as we welcome back four UMass MFA alumni for a reading and conversation. A book signing and reception will follow.

Emily Hunt (MFA '13) is the author of the poetry collection Dark Green, named a “standout debut” by Publishers Weekly and a "Must-Read Poetry Debut" by Lit Hub, and the chapbook Company. Claudia Rankine selected Hunt’s manuscript-in-progress Stranger as an honorable mention in the 2020 Donald Hall Prize for Poetry competition. Hunt has also published two books of visual art: Cousins and This Always Happens. She lives and teaches in New York.

Robin McLean (MFA '11) was a lawyer and then a potter for 15 years in the woods of Alaska turning to writing at UMass Amherst. Her first short story collection Reptile House, twice a finalist for the Flannery O’Connor Prize, won the BOA Editions Fiction Prize and was noted as a best book of 2015 in Paris Review. Her debut novel Pity the Beast was published in November 2021 and named a Best Book of Fiction in The Guardian. Her collection of short fiction Get 'em Young, Treat 'em Tough, Tell 'em Nothing will be published in October 2022. She now directs the Ike’s Canyon Writers Retreat in the high plain desert of central Nevada.

Wendy Xu (MFA '14) is most recently the author of the poetry collection The Past, just published by Wesleyan in September 2021, and Phrasis, named one of the 10 Best Poetry Books of 2017 by The New York Times Book Review. Her work has appeared in The Best American PoetryGrantaTin HousePoetryAmerican Poetry ReviewConjunctions, and widely elsewhere. She is assistant professor of writing at The New School, where she teaches poetry.

Jung Yun (MFA '07) is the author of O Beautiful (St. Martin’s Press, 2021), which was a New York Times Editors’ Choice and Group Text selection, and Shelter (Picador, 2016), which was long-listed for the Center for Fiction’s First Novel Prize and a finalist for the Barnes and Noble Discover Great New Writers Award. Her work has appeared in Tin HouseThe Massachusetts ReviewThe Indiana ReviewThe AtlanticThe Washington Post, and The Los Angeles Review of Books, among others. Currently, she lives in Baltimore and serves as an Assistant Professor of English at the George Washington University. She also serves on the boards of directors at the PEN/Faulkner Foundation and the Alan Cheuse Center for International Writers.

The 2022 Juniper Literary Festival is a program of the University of Massachusetts Amherst MFA for Poets and Writers’ Juniper Initiative and made possible with generous support from Mass Cultural CouncilUMass Arts CouncilCollege of Humanities & Fine ArtsDepartment of EnglishDepartment of Languages, Literatures, and CulturesWomen of Color Leadership NetworkArts Extension ServiceOffice of the Provost and Graduate School.

Tuesday April 2, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Old Chapel, University of Massachusetts Amherst

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