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Tuesday, February 6


Barbara Thomas
Tuesday February 6, 2024 TBA
Tuesday February 6, 2024 TBA
Andala Cafe

3:00pm EST

Poetry As Portraiture and Remembrance: Reading and Q&A with Moira Linehan and Angela Narciso Torres
Tuesday February 6, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
The Concord Poetry at the Library Series invites you to join prize-winning poets Moira Linehan and Angela Narciso Torres who will read from their latest collections and engage in a Q&A about their practice. For more information, visit the Concord Poetry at the Library Series' website.

Tuesday February 6, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST

4:30pm EST

Experience and Experiment: Prose Writing Series
Tuesday February 6, 2024 4:30pm - 6:15pm EST
Gwendolyn Edward is hearing impaired, queer, and a member of the Cherokee Nation. Her writing has earned nominations for both the Pushcart and Best American Essays, and her prose and poetry have appeared in AssayCrab Orchard ReviewBrevityFourth RiverBooth, and others. She retains a MA from the University of North Texas, an MFA from Bennington College, and is currently finishing her PhD at the University of Missouri, where she lives with her partner. When she’s not weightlifting, playing video games, or reading all the books she’s amassed, she writes speculative fiction, nontraditional nonfiction, and bends genre. 
The Prose Writing Series is presented by the Department of English.
Tuesday February 6, 2024 4:30pm - 6:15pm EST
Shattuck Hall, Cassani Room (102) (Mt. Holyoke)

7:00pm EST

Poetry at the Y Reading Series (Virtually via Zoom) - POETRY READING & Open Mic
Tuesday February 6, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm EST
Join us for a poetry reading with Wendy Drexler and Richard Waring, friends of the PoemWorks community, followed by an Open Mic (sign up by emailing host Richard Waring at rwaring@nejm.org).
Wendy Drexler’s third poetry collection, Before There Was Before, was published by Iris Press in 2017. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Barrow Street, J Journal, Lily Poetry Review, Nimrod, Pangyrus, Prairie Schooner, Salamander, Sugar House, The Atlanta Review, The Mid-American Review, The Hudson Review, The Threepenny Review, and the Valparaiso Poetry Review, among others. Her work has been featured on Verse Daily and WBUR’s Cognoscenti, and in numerous anthologies. She’s been the poet-in-residence at New Mission High School in Hyde Park, MA, since 2018, and is programming co-chair for the New England Poetry Club. Her website is www.wendydrexlerpoetry.com
Richard Waring is the author of the poetry collection, What Love Tells Me (Word Poetry, 2016)and a chapbook, Listening to Stones (Pudding House Publications, 1999). His work has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, including Sanctuary, Ars Medica, Comstock Review, JAMA, and the American Journal of Nursing. “Monarchs Passing Through New England” and “Night” have been set to music by composer Leander Frank. He hosts this monthly reading series and is senior layout artist for the New England Journal of Medicine.

*Contact host Richard Waring at rwaring@nejm.org for Zoom invitation.
Tuesday February 6, 2024 7:00pm - 8:00pm EST

8:00pm EST

CAConrad + Dawn Lundy Martin
Tuesday February 6, 2024 8:00pm - 9:30pm EST
The University of Massachusetts Amherst MFA for Poets and Writers presents a reading by CAConrad and Dawn Lundy Martin on Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. in the Old Chapel. The reading will be followed by a book signing and refreshments. 

CAConrad is a 2019 Creative Capital Fellow and the author of 9 books of poetry and essays: their While Standing in Line for Death (Wave Books, 2017) received the 2018 Lambda Award. A recipient of a Pew Fellowship in the Arts, they also received the Believer Magazine Book Award and the Gil Ott Book Award. Their work has been translated into Spanish, Greek, Polish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Danish, French, and German. They teach regularly at Columbia University and at the Sandberg Art Institute in Amsterdam. Influenced by Eileen Myles, Audre Lorde, Alice Notley, and Emily Dickinson, Conrad writes poems in which stark images of sex, violence, and defiance build a bridge between fable and confession. They are a visiting faculty member for Spring 2020 at UMass Amherst.
Dawn Lundy Martin is a poet, essayist, and conceptual video artist. She is the author of four books of poems: Good Stock Strange Blood; Life in a Box is a Pretty Life; which won the Lambda Literary Award for Lesbian Poetry; DISCIPLINE; A Gathering of Matter / A Matter of Gathering; and three limited edition chapbooks. Most recently, she co-edited with Erica Hunt an anthology, Letters to the Future: BLACK WOMEN / Radical WRITING. Her nonfiction can be found in The New Yorker, Harper’s, n+1, and elsewhere. Martin is a Professor of English in the writing program at the University of Pittsburgh and Director of the Center for African American Poetry and Poetics. She is the recipient of the 2019 Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award.
Celebrating its fifty-sixth year, the nationally renowned Visiting Writers Series at UMass Amherst presents emerging and established writers of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. The Series is sponsored by the MFA for Poets and Writers and the Juniper Initiative, and made possible by support from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, the University of Massachusetts Arts Council, the English Department, and others. 

All events are free, open to the public, and wheelchair accessible. Find us on Facebook here.
Tuesday February 6, 2024 8:00pm - 9:30pm EST
The Old Chapel, University of Massachusetts Amherst 144 Hicks Way, Amherst, MA 01002

8:00pm EST

Visiting Writers Series: CA Conrad and Dawn Lundy Martin
Tuesday February 6, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm EST
CAConrad received a 2019 Creative Capital grant to complete their nationwide (Soma)tic poetry ritual titled, "Resurrect Extinct Vibration." They also received a Pew Fellowship in the Arts, as well as The Believer Magazine Book Award and The Gil Ott Book Award. The author of 9 books of poetry and essays, While Standing in Line for Death (Wave Books) won the 2018 Lambda Book Award. They teach regularly at Columbia University in New York City, and Sandberg Art Institute in Amsterdam. Spring 2020 they will be teaching at UMass, Amherst. Please view their books and the documentary The Book of Conrad from Delinquent Films online at http://bit.ly/88CAConrad
Dawn Lundy Martin is a poet, essayist, and conceptual video artist. She is the author of four books of poems: Good Stock Strange Blood; Life in a Box is a Pretty Life; which won the Lambda Literary Award for Lesbian Poetry; DISCIPLINE; A Gathering of Matter / A Matter of Gathering; and three limited edition chapbooks. Most recently, she co-edited with Erica Hunt an anthology, Letters to the Future: BLACK WOMEN / Radical WRITING. Her nonfiction can be found in The New Yorker, Harper’s, n+1, and elsewhere. Martin is a Professor of English in the writing program at the University of Pittsburgh and Director of the Center for African American Poetry and Poetics. She is the recipient of the 2019 Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award.
Tuesday February 6, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm EST
UMass Amherst, Great Hall

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