Welcome to the schedule of poetry events happening in Massachusetts! This schedule contains events happening all over the state, as entered by our Poetry Partners and others. It is not limited to Mass Poetry events. To submit an event, click here. For more questions regarding our calendar, you can email marketing@masspoetry.org
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Tuesday, January 23

7:00pm EST

Rozzie Reads Poetry and Open Mic
Tuesday January 23, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm EST
Tuesday January 23, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm EST
Roslindale House

8:00pm EST

Countertop Chants: January Poetry Session
Tuesday January 23, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm EST
Countertop Chants is proud to host Poetry Sessions that celebrate our craft, art of all mediums, community, and local businesses. 
Join us the 4th Thursday every month for a lively open mic at Canopy Room, one of the newest spots for local artists and entrepreneurs in the Boston area! This month’s session will be held Thursday, January 23rd,, from 8 to 10 pm. 

Space opens at 8 pm, reading starts at 8:15pm! Our intermission music starts promptly at 9 pm. We have 10 spots for poetry reading, with music from this month's guest, Sophie London. Each reader will have 5 minutes at the mic, sign ups will be open until we fill the spots. 

This is a place to share your work, meet new artist friends, explore the Boston area, and have fun. Boston has a strong community of artists and writers and they deserve an inclusive space to connect and enjoy their art while still making it a party. We are here to celebrate life, arts, and our community. 

This is not a competition! There will be no winners, and there is no expected format. Tell us your dreams through acrostic poems, give us just a taste of your despair with a haiku. Whatever form you take, we celebrate it. 

We do book our intermission act in advance. If you are interested in playing acoustic music, doing an interpretative dance, or something that compliments the poetic medium, drop us a line at countertopchants@gmail.com 

We are hosting our poetry sessions in the event space of Bow Market, Canopy Room. We are teaming up with local businesses to foster our local artists. There is no cover to get in, but there is a cash/credit card bar! So please enjoy libations during the reading and have a little fun with us. 

Bow Market is home to many retail shops, restaurants, brewery and more. Grab food from one of these shops and bring it with you to the reading, or get here early and explore some of the shops before you join us!

Tuesday January 23, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm EST
Canopy Room

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