Welcome to the schedule of poetry events happening in Massachusetts! This schedule contains events happening all over the state, as entered by our Poetry Partners and others. It is not limited to Mass Poetry events. To submit an event, click here. For more questions regarding our calendar, you can email marketing@masspoetry.org
Venue: Trident Booksellers & Cafe clear filter
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Sunday, January 21

7:00pm EST

January U35 Reading | Mass Poetry
Sunday January 21, 2024 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
U35 is a bi-monthly reading series for poets under 35, held once each January, March, May, July, September, and November. The series seeks to promote and bolster young Massachusetts poets while giving them a venue to share their work and connect with other poets. If you are a poet under the age of 35, sign up to read via Mass Poetry's website! This event is free and open to the public. 


Our January readers are:

Raina K. Puels is a queer, polyamorous human living in Allston. She graduated from Emerson with her MFA in May of 2019. Her collection of essays, Resaturation was long-listed for PANK's book prize. By day, she works as an admin at MIT and by night, she hangs out with her little black cat, Layla Stoner Sparkle Demon. You can read her writing in The Rumpus, GAY Mag, American Literary Review, Yes Poetry, and many other places listed on her website: rainakpuels.com. 

Ananya Panchal is a 20-year-old Boston University student studying Journalism and Criminal Justice. For as long as she can remember, Ananya has loved writing. Journalism is her way of analyzing and entering the dialogue of the world around her, but poetry has always been her way of analyzing herself and her many emotions. Ananya has self-published a book of poetry, performed at open mics and given a Ted Talk in her hometown of Los Altos, California. This is her first Boston performance.

Casey Lynn Roland is a second year graduate student at the University of New Hampshire, pursuing an MFA in Poetry. She lives, works, writes, and makes art on the North Shore of Massachusetts, but spends much of her time on Lake Winnipesaukee; her poetry attempts to reconcile her relationships to those places, the people in them, and how they are always changing. Casey’s current obsessions are folklore, trees, and the idea that all time is simultaneous. She also creates blackout poetry, and you can see some of her work on Instagram at @mscaseycreates and at www.caseylynnroland.com.
avatar for Ananya Panchal

Ananya Panchal

Ananya Panchal is a 20-year-old Boston University student studying Journalism and Criminal Justice. For as long as she can remember, Ananya has loved writing. Journalism is her way of analyzing and entering the dialogue of the world around her, but poetry has always been her way of... Read More →
avatar for Raina K. Puels

Raina K. Puels

Raina K. Puels is a queer, polyamorous human living in Allston. She graduated from Emerson with her MFA in May of 2019. Her collection of essays, Resaturation was long-listed for PANK's book prize. By day, she works as an admin at MIT and by night, she hangs out with her little black... Read More →
avatar for Casey Lynn Roland

Casey Lynn Roland

Casey Lynn Roland is a second year graduate student at the University of New Hampshire, pursuing an MFA in Poetry. She lives, works, writes, and makes art on the North Shore of Massachusetts, but spends much of her time on Lake Winnipesaukee; her poetry attempts to reconcile her relationships... Read More →

Sunday January 21, 2024 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Trident Booksellers & Cafe

7:00pm EST

Poetry Open Mic Night at Trident
Sunday January 21, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm EST
Join us for a fun evening of open mic poetry! We invite you to bring your own works and perform them in front of a supportive crowd. There's no better place to find your voice and share it with the world! 
The sign-up list opens at 6:30 pm in the upstairs cafe and the mic opens at 7:00pm.
  • Seating is first come, first served! 
  • Each open mic slot gets you about three minutes of stage time.
  • No need to memorize your work - just be comfortable and have fun!
  • If you read someone else’s work, give credit where due. 
  • Above all, show kindness to all. No hate speech, slurs, or sexually explicit language. 
Got a question? Shoot us an e-mail!
Sunday January 21, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm EST
Trident Booksellers & Cafe

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