Welcome to the schedule of poetry events happening in Massachusetts! This schedule contains events happening all over the state, as entered by our Poetry Partners and others. It is not limited to Mass Poetry events. To submit an event, click here. For more questions regarding our calendar, you can email marketing@masspoetry.org
Venue: Ralph\'s Rock Diner clear filter
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Monday, January 8

8:00pm EST

The Dirty Gerund Open Mic & Poetry Show
Monday January 8, 2024 8:00pm - 11:59pm EST

Read your work, tell your jokes, bear your soul, all while accompanied by the coolest backing band since the invention of Ray-Bans. Sometimes there's snacks. Usually there are featured readers, local heroes and nationally ranked performance geniuses alike.

Brieana Woodward’s a lifelong New England resident performing all around MA and the surrounding area, most recently headlining Nick's Comedy Stop in Boston and hosted for Sam Tallent at Laugh Boston, but she loves to tell jokes all across the continent, having checked off 31 states and a Canadian Province so far in her comedy travels. She won second in the 2022 Funniest Person in MA Contest. After seeing her perform at the Bellforge Arts Center, Vanyaland reported she “held court at our comedy festival, delivering one of the most violently funny and incendiary sets we’ve ever experienced.” Brieana's rapid fire punches, high-voltage energy, and raw talent are her dynamite recipe to blow away any audience!
Monday January 8, 2024 8:00pm - 11:59pm EST
Ralph's Rock Diner

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