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Monday, November 13

6:30pm EST

MassArt Reading
Nick Flynn and Nathan McClain present their poems and discuss new work. This event will be a part of the launch of Nick Flynn's newest book Low. Event is open and free to the public.  

Nick Flynn is the author of five collections of poetry (all published by Graywolf), including I Will Destroy You (2019) and Low (2023). His bestselling memoir Another Bullshit Night in Suck City (Norton, 2004), was made into a film starring Robert DeNiro (Focus Features, 2012), and has been translated into fifteen languages. Other recent books include: This Is the Night Our House Will Catch Fire (Norton, 2020); and Stay: Threads, Collaborations, and Conversations (Ze Books, 2020), which documents twenty-five years of his collaborations with artists, filmmakers, and composers. He is a professor in the Creative Writing Program at the University of Houston, where he is in residence each Spring. www.nickflynn.org.

Nathan McClain (he/him) is the author of two collections of poetry: Previously Owned (Four Way Books, 2022), longlisted for the Massachusetts Book Award, and Scale (Four Way Books, 2017). He is a recipient of fellowships from The Frost Place, the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, and Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference and is a Cave Canem fellow. He earned an MFA from Warren Wilson College. His poems and prose have appeared in Plume Poetry 10, The Common, Guesthouse, Poetry Northwest, and Zуcalo Public Square, among others. He teaches at Hampshire College and serves as poetry editor of the Massachusetts Review.


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