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Thursday, June 1


Bring Your Poems to Life: Using Concrete Details and Imagery to Enhance Your Poetry (Virtual/Zoom Class)
Thursday June 1, 2023 TBA
Ever heard the writing advice “Show, don’t tell”? Typically we hear it often for fiction-writing and short stories, but it applies to poetry, too. Because the more you use concrete details and images in your poems (and the less you rely on generalizations), the better your readers will be able to picture what the speaker is experiencing . . . and the more emotion you'll evoke in your work.

Is this a technique you'd like to brush up on or learn more about? Then you're welcome to come to Bring Your Poems to Life: Using Concrete Details and Imagery to Enhance Your Poetry! It's hosted by award-winning poet, book editor, and writing coach Sara Letourneau; and it's happening via Zoom on Monday, November 6, 2023, starting at 6:30 p.m. ET. Sign up for it here: https://heartofthestoryeditorial.com/virtual-poetry-classes/

During this class, we'll talk about why it's so important to use concrete details and imagery in your poetry and what questions you can ask so you can master this skill. We’ll also do close readings and discussions of work by Natasha Trethewey, Andrea Potos, Layli Long Soldier, and other contemporary poets so you can see how they’ve incorporated specifics, imagery, and vivid metaphors in different ways. Each discussion will be followed by a writing period where you can practice incorporating this technique in your own work.When the class is done, you’ll come away with new work in progress and a clearer idea of how details and images make your poetry more evocative and powerful.

This class will be held over Zoom. If you choose to attend the live class, you'll receive within 24 hours the login information and a PDF handout of the poems we'll discuss.
Space is limited to 12 poets for the live Zoom class.

 US $49 to attend the live Zoom class, receive the class materials, and be entered into a drawing to win a free ticket to one of Sara's upcoming virtual writing classes
Can't make it to the live Zoom class? There's a video replay option for approx. $US 42! DM Sara to inquire about this option and ask for the coupon code.
REGISTER NOW: https://heartofthestoryeditorial.com/virtual-poetry-classes/
Thursday June 1, 2023 TBA

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