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Sunday, December 12

7:30pm EST

Chapter & Verse Literary Reading Series
Sunday December 12, 2021 7:30pm - 8:30pm EST
Joshua Coben’s second collection, Night Chaser (David Robert Books, 2020), was a finalist for the Vassar Miller Prize, the New American Poetry Prize, and the Donald Justice Poetry Prize. His first book, Maker of Shadows (Texas Review Press, 2010), won the X. J. Kennedy Poetry Prize. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Atlanta Review, The Cincinnati Review, College English, Pleiades, Poet Lore, Poetry Daily, Salamander, and elsewhere. A St. Louis native, he is an elementary school teacher and librarian. He and his family live in Dedham. Visit him online at joshuacoben.com. His books can be purchased from Bookshop.org at the following links: Night Chaser, Maker of Shadows.

Steven Cramer’s sixth poetry collection is Listen (MadHat Press, 2020). His previous collections are The Eye That Desires to Look Upward,  The World Book, Dialogue for the Left and Right Hand, Goodbye to the Orchard, and Clangings. Goodbye to the Orchard won the Sheila Motton Prize from the New England Poetry Club and was named an Honor Book in Poetry by the Massachusetts Center for the Book. Recipient of two grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council and a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship, he founded and now teaches in the Low-Residency Program in Creative Writing at Lesley University. Porter Square Books (https://www.portersquarebooks.com/product/listen-steven-cramer) has been selling Listen.

Petition is Joyce Peseroff’s sixth book of poems. She is the editor of Robert Bly: When Sleepers Awake, The Ploughshares Poetry Reader, and Simply Lasting: Writers on Jane Kenyon. Her fifth collection, Know Thyself, was designated a “must read” by the 2016 Massachusetts Book Award. Recent poems and reviews appear in Consequence, On the Seawall, Massachusetts Review, and Plume. She directed and taught in UMass Boston's MFA Program in its first four years. Currently she blogs for her website So I Gave You Quartz at joycepeseroff.com and writes the poetry column for Arrowsmith Press. To order Petition, go to: https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/distributed/P/bo68082264.html

To receive a Zoom invitation with a link to the reading, email your name and email address to SandeeStorey@fastmail.fm before 2 pm on Dec. 10. 

You will be emailed a Zoom invitation with the link by noon Dec. 11. For security reasons, please do not publicize, post or broadcast the Zoom link itself. If people you know want to attend, you may send them the link, but please ask them also not to publicize, post, or broadcast the link itself.

For more information, check our website at http://jamaicapondpoets.com or email dorothy.derifield@gmail.com or call 617-325-8388. The next Chapter and Verse Literary Reading on Zoom in the 2020/2021 series will be at 7:30 pm on Friday, January 8, 2021.
Sunday December 12, 2021 7:30pm - 8:30pm EST

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