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Friday, December 10

4:00pm EST

& Company: A Virtual Poetry Reading with Moira Linehan
Friday December 10, 2021 4:00pm - 5:00pm EST
Moira Linehan will read from & Company, her fourth collection of poetry. In this collection she uses paintings from French and American Impressionists to imagine the work and world of her maternal grandmother, a seamstress and dressmaker in Paris in the late 1800/early 1900’s and then in Boston. She will discuss strategies for using paintings as triggers for poems, and give examples of the relationship between a poem’s subject matter and its form.

Moira Linehan is the author of four collections of poetry. Her first two, If No Moon (2007) and Incarnate Grace (2015), were published by Southern Illinois University Press. Dorianne Laux chose If No Moon as the 2006 winner of the Crab Orchard Series open poetry competition. Both books were named Honor Books in Poetry in the Massachusetts Book Awards. In 2020 she had two books come out. In June Slant Books published her collection Toward and in December Dos Madres Press brought out & Company. Linehan lives north of Boston.
Friday December 10, 2021 4:00pm - 5:00pm EST

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