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Sunday, November 14

7:30pm EST

Chapter & Verse Literary Reading Series
Sunday November 14, 2021 7:30pm - 9:30pm EST
Allison Adair’s debut collection, The Clearing, was selected by Henri Cole for Milkweed’s Max Ritvo Poetry Prize and named a New York Times “New and Noteworthy” book. Allison’s poems have appeared in American Poetry Review, Arts & Letters, Best American Poetry, Kenyon Review, Waxwing, and ZYZZYVA. They have been honored with the Pushcart Prize, the Florida Review Editors’ Award, and the Orlando Prize. Originally from central Pennsylvania, Allison now lives with her family in the Boston area, where she teaches at Boston College and Grub Street. The Clearing is available at local bookstores or through bookshop.org.

Robbie Gamble’s poems and essays have appeared in Cutthroat, RHINO, Rust + Moth, Scoundrel Time, and Tahoma Literary Review. He was the winner of the 2017 Carve Poetry prize, and was a 2019 Peter Taylor Fellow at the Kenyon Summer Writers Workshop. He serves as associate poetry editor for Solstice: a Magazine of Diverse Voices. After working for many years as a nurse practitioner with the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, he now divides his time between Boston and Vermont.

Susanna Kittredge’s poems have appeared in publications such as Barrow Street, 14 Hills, The Columbia Review and Salamander as well as the anthologies Bay Poetics (Faux Press, 2006) and Shadowed: Unheard Voices (The Press at California State University, Fresno 2014). She has an MFA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University. Her first full-length collection, The Future Has a Reputation, was published by CW Books in January, 2020. She lives in the Boston area and is a member of The Jamaica Pond Poets workshop and the Brighton Word Factory, a bi-weekly open writing group. By day she teaches middle schoolers. The Future Has a Reputation can be purchased directly from the author by contacting her at https://susannakittredge.wixsite.com/mysite/contact. It is also available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

To receive a Zoom invitation with a link to the reading, email your name and email address to SandeeStorey@fastmail.fm before 10 am on Nov. 12.

You will be emailed a Zoom invitation with the link by noon Nov. 13. For security reasons, please do not publicize, post or broadcast the Zoom link itself. If people you know want to attend, you may send them the link, but please ask them also not to publicize, post, or broadcast the link itself.

For more information, check our website at http://jamaicapondpoets.com or email dorothy.derifield@gmail.com or call 617-325-8388. The next Chapter and Verse Literary Reading on Zoom in the 2020/2021 Series will be at 7:30 pm on Friday, December 11, 2020.
Sunday November 14, 2021 7:30pm - 9:30pm EST

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